Senecio Blue Chalk Sticks Succulents
Senecio Blue Chalk Sticks Succulents
Chalk sticks grow very quickly and are prone to overflowing. They feature unique sky-blue leaves and prefer plenty of sunlight. In winter, place them in a bright location; under strong light, they transform into brilliant purple. Chalk sticks are a ground-cover succulent.
Care tips
Soil: Well drained soil.
Position: Full sun or part shade
Watering: Let soil dry out between watering.
Use: perfect for sunny window ledge, balcony, outdoor pot .
Grow tips: Drought hardy, tolerates frost
Family: Compositae
Growth Habit: Clumping
Genus: Senecio
Common name: Blue Chalk Sticks
Displayed in 7cm pot.
1x plant will be sent bare-rooted without the pot. Will wrap carefully with paper, and pack in box safely.
Note: 1、You will receive 1 plant similar to the listing photo displays. 2、 We don't post plant to WA TAS NT